Sunday, May 16, 2010

Temps de Flors

This Sunday, Girona finishes celebrating "Flower Time." The festival consists of a number of exhibitions, more artistic celebrations of spring than displays of living flowers (although plenty are to be had). We enjoyed walking the nearest displays last Saturday. They were quite enjoyable, although the tree below happens to be part of our Plaza's display... Unfortunately, I fear it will soon be removed since it's still in a small pot propped up with boards (they covered the boards with bamboo). We didn't make it out to catch the entire festival as planned since the week was besieged with intermittent pouring rain.
The next closest display to our plaza was at the game shop. They had robots from the group Chee Sing belongs too as well as crazy techno music and adorable (albeit less functional) robot toys.
Most of the displays were in Old Town where lunch prices rose from their normal ~13 euros to over 20 with the influx of local and foreign tourists. It was crazy! Normally uncrowded streets were clogged nose to nose and every other person had a camera slung round their neck.
One of the many highlights of the exhibition was the opportunity to enter a number of the local museums for free to see their displays for the festival as well as locals that would otherwise be closed to the public. There isn't enough room to post all of the photos of the displays, but hopefully this gives you a glimpse of a very interesting week to visit Girona.

Love, fishes, flowers, and robots!
Chrissy and Chee Sing

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